Inhale deeply as you raise your --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- arms out to your sides and overhead, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- palms facing upward. Interlace your --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- fingers and turn your palms to face --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the ceiling. Exhale as you press --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- through the heels of your hands. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Inhale draw your chin in toward your --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- throat and exhale as you soften your --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- head forward. Let your head be heavy. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Breathe 3 to 5 times. Feel the stretch --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- all the way down between your --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- shoulder blades as you exhale. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Expand and stretch as you inhale, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- soften and relax as you exhale.